

• HISTORICAL HERITAGE RESTORATION: Interventions were carried out on iconic buildings to preserve their architectural and cultural value.

•. RENEWED PUBLIC SPACES: Plazas, parks, and streets were designed and renovated, focusing on accessibility and community use.

•. PROMOTION OF LOCAL CULTURE: Initiatives were implemented to encourage cultural events, local markets, and exhibitions that highlighted the traditions of Corridonia.

black blue and yellow textile

Project Goals

Our Vision in Action


The development of a new and consistent graphic identity was crucial for unifying Corridonia’s image and projecting a refreshed vision of the city. This identity reflected both the historical and cultural essence of Corridonia while positioning it as a modern and attractive destination. The coherent visual branding across all aspects of the project, from signage to tourism promotion, strengthened the city’s brand, enhancing its recognition and long-term appeal.


The architectural renovation of Corridonia focused on restoring iconic buildings to preserve their historical and cultural value while modernizing public spaces like plazas, parks, and streets to enhance accessibility and community use. This integrated approach not only conserved the city’s heritage but also promoted local culture by creating vibrant spaces for cultural events, markets, and exhibitions, thus blending the old with the new to strengthen Corridonia’s identity.

Our Commitment

Strategic & Green thinking

Strategic Collaborations:

Establish partnerships with local and regional organizations to enhance the range of activities and ensure efficient and sustainable management of the racetrack.

Implement an architectural redesign that maximizes the space’s potential and supports sustainable growth, promoting the racetrack as a symbol of innovation and community.

Innovation and Sustainability:

Explore the new Ippodromo Martini and become part of a vibrant community that values tradition, innovation, and sustainable development. Whether you’re enjoying a cultural event, a yoga session, or sampling our gastronomic offerings, we invite you to be part of this exciting transformation.